Oh Baby!

June 8, 2011

I was lucky enough to photograph my good friend Tugba’s beautiful pride and joy, Selin Emma. What a sweet baby! She was super fun to shoot and I loved getting to hang out with both of them and capture some fun shots. Hope you like them!

First Family Photoshoot

December 27, 2010

Before it got too cold this Fall I had the joy of photographing a co-workers children at Claude Moore Park in Sterling. I was really lucky to get this opportunity because the Mom is low key and let me do my thing, and her children were adorable and took great direction. I had a great time and I can’t wait to do it again! Thanks Brandi, Lorenzo, Jocelyn and Jaiden!

Winter Blues

January 19, 2010

I haven’t posted for a while, mostly because I haven’t been doing much photography. When Winter comes around, the coldness sucks out my creativity and leaves me wanting to stay in bed all day in the warmth of my blanket and reality TV. The snow sometimes beckons me out, but the sharp bitterness of the wind and my soaking wet extremities just from walking in it drag me back inside. Thus, no new photos this season. But here are some oldies but goodies I have never posted.

Unit 4- Landscapes and Lighting.

August 2, 2009

This week was focused on Landscapes and Lighting. Ultimately, I ignored the lighting aspect and focused on the landscapes because the day was pretty overcast. Nature shots are pretty usual for me. I would have liked a little bit more of an inspiration, but I’m pretty happy with some of the shots I took. Here they are!





Unit 3- Aperture.

July 19, 2009

Unit 3 was focused on aperture and depth of field. This assignment was definitely tough. I’m not sure I’ve quite grasped it yet, but I did take some photographs that made it clearer what I was trying to achieve. This week I waited until the absolute last minute to experiment, hence why the photos are mainly taken in my backyard and around my house! Some of the photographs I am really proud of, and I hope I can replicate them if I ever need to.

So far, this class is teaching me so much. I can’t wait to see what else I learn.

Unit 2- Shutter Speed.

July 19, 2009

Unit 2 turned out to be probably one of the easiest assignments this semester. Slowing down the shutter speed was easy and my aim was for blurry. The goal was to show motion, so despite a lack of artistic accomplishments, I learned something new.

It’s one day at a time when it comes to manual SLR’s, at least for me. I added some other pictures that I fell in love with during my adventure for motion.

I hope you like them.

Welcome to My Journey.

July 19, 2009

Throughout my adventure in an online photography class, I am going to be publishing some of the photos taken in result of trying to learn new things. Every two weeks I will be assigned a new approach to photography, that most likely, I will have no idea about.

So bare with me, and have patience, as I learn more about the art that inspires me every day.

I hope you like them!